Whoa. I haven't written on this blog in over a year. That's a long time. I'm obsessed with FaceBook, and so I never write on here. Sorry; this is one blog not worth looking at!
Hey I keep tabs on your blog too Amber....always waiting for u to update...but dont worry I have a bad addiction with FB also..LOL Hope you are having a great day!
I play the french horn, trumpet(just a little) and the piano. I love to sing, except for right now, b.c. it's such a humiliating activity to participate in, seing as how I'm going through what my voice teacher calls, I now quote "soprano puberty", which basically means my voice cracks on several notes in my range. Well, I guess that would technically mean those notes are not in my range...
Signing your guestbook so you'll know there's at least one person out there who has been checking your blog daily (and vainly, I might add). ;-)
Hey I keep tabs on your blog too Amber....always waiting for u to update...but dont worry I have a bad addiction with FB also..LOL Hope you are having a great day!
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