Saturday, December 13, 2008

Complete Randomness: this is for you, kirstyn

Well, here it is. The requested blog. I'm finally up at a computer with as much time on my hands as I want to stay up for and use, and I have no idea what to write that would interest y'alls. I'll start with one concert I've had for a while now.

I'm a sophomore in high school with no idea or direction as to what I want to do as a career. I've given much thought to being a circus performer, tho:) I'm thinkin' one of those people that drive motorcycles around in the giant hamster ball, or maybe the acrobats. I have terrific balance. Ah-hem. Except for the time about a week ago, when I was holding this awesome plastic cup that you can scrape your name into the black part on the side. Anyway, I was holding that in my right hand, the side near the hand rail, and Emily was on my left. I slipped on the ice and didn't wanna drop my cool plastic cup to grab the handrail, so I grabbed Emily with my free hand and we both went down, like heroes. Or, actually, Emily went down. With her violin. and her purse which had taken up all her hands. and her backpack. Me, I had regained my balance with the grab I made for Emily, and so I stood a safe distance away from Emily, until I realized she didn't know I was the cause of her topple. Mah-Ha! MAh-HAh!!

Next topic. I'm completely broke and actually in debt(nothin' new there). I'm excited to get my new snowboarding gear in the mail soon, tho...and I still hafta get some money so I can actually GO snowboarding. I'm completely and utterly hyped about Amy coming home this Friday!!!!!!!!!!! This Monday, as in two days from now, is an important day for me. It's the first Christmas concert I'll be at where I'll be playing at the Civic Center! It's a huge shin-dig where all three top groups(Chanteur Choir, Symphonic Band, Chamber Orchestra) all get together(along with the jazz band, Russ Tones, and the equivalent for choir, Russell Ayres) and put on a concert for the community. It attracts tons of people because we send out invitations to each of the people we sold fruit to for the music dept. (btw, it ended up going really good for me--my minimum was $700, and I made $834), and so every year there's more people who come and decide they want to come the next year, too, and the next and the next, etc. You get the picture: I'm excited.

Right now, I'm sitting at the computer at Darryl and Ruth Benjamin's house, after a day of cleaning for their special meeting company, and an entire day of snow. This is one of those rare, only 3 times a year snow storms we've just *graciously* accepted from the Zeus the weather dude, who poured about a foot and a half on us here in Fort Benton, just today and last night. The snow drifts(AWesome!) are like 4 feet tall. No joke. I'm just itching to go home and get my snowpants on, and jump off the deck into it. Yah-Hooo0!!!

I've decided I'm not good at blogging, cuz I'm way too tired, as it is 12:04p.m. right now, to be writing a post, and way too exhausted to incorporate any enthusiasm or humor into this. I'll try again some other time when I have way too much time on my hands and I don't feel like going to bed. One last thing in parting, tho. Last night was my first in about a month that I've gone to sleep before midnight! Yay-hoo! And now, I'm back in my schedule of late to bed, early to rise. :( Second thing, just in parting, I can't believe our Sunday morning meeting has the nerve to finally have a potluck. on the day I'm gone. Grrr! No, jk. I'm having great fun here, and that will not end when I get in bed and go to sleep. See, here at Ruth's house, I have a bed that has leopard print sheets that are just awesome! I probly dream about them and penguins at night! (btw, the penguin part was completely random. no, you didn't miss anything). Third, and hopefully last thing, before I sign out(no, just X-out; does Amber ever sign out?) for the night: check out my profile. I actually decided to put some stuff on there. Okay. G'night, y'all.


Shirley said...

Well, I'm not Kirstyn so I hope it's okay that I read your post. I have heard of overachievers like you, but I haven't known any until now. Mostly because I hate them before I ever meet them. You being my niece, however, are deservant of some slack. But I gotta tell ya, you really need to stop it. You're making me feel like a half-dead slug!

<3 Sierra said...

You're hilarious! Does Emily read your blog? Cuz she might get you back when you least expect it! LOL Gotta love sisters! :D